Celee Evans Porcelain: Paints, Studies, Videos, Books, Seminars, Custom Pieces

Celee Evans Porcelain: Painting Products

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Pocket Paints Portable Palettes

Dandy, Portable "Pocket Palette" with Glass Insert
$4.95 each

This square metal box (just under 4") has a glass insert, perfect for putting your ink mixture on when using. When you take a break, just snap the lid closed! Perfect for ink, 'namel, and even "families" of like colors.
* also nice for your Roman Gold instead of the larger "Golden Globe" palette, shown here.


2 - 5

$4.50 each

6 - 11

$4.00 each

12 or more

$3.50 each

Note: Discount will be taken but not shown on check-out page!


"Godiva Gold" Products

Celee Evans Porcelain: Agate Etched Gold

Agate Etched Gold

Following are the specialized products needed for the technique above,
as shown in Celee’s study:
Agate-Etched Gold.
Click HERE to see the study.

Celee’s “Godiva Gold”
35% Roman Gold ready for application with a brush or pen. Perfect for Agate Etching, Celee’s newest passion! 1/8 Troy ounce fluxed Gold.

Celee Evans Porcelain: Godiva Gold


Gold-Capped Brushes

Celee Evans Porcelain: Godiva Gold

Color coordinated “gold” metal brushes are guaranteed to simplify all your gold work. Perfectly aligned synthetic bristles produce accurate and easy applications from tiny to large areas. Caps slide off to become the comfortable brush handle. Place caps back on to protect the bristles and to keep the gold moist between uses.

Celee Evans Porcelain: Godiva Gold Liner

Godiva Gold Liner
A fine pointed brush for narrow, delicate areas needing gold.


Celee Evans Porcelain: Godiva Gold Gilder

Godiva Gold Gilder
An all purpose square shader perfect for filling in solid areas.


Celee Evans Porcelain: Godiva Gold Combo

Godiva Gold Combo
An economical combination of the Gilder and the Liner; suitable for narrow as well as larger areas.


Hard-to-find Fiberglass Cloth
6” square, hemmed
An easy way to burnish Roman gold is using this convenient, durable cloth, which works best on smooth surfaces or slightly relief areas. Celee uses these cloths for burnishing all fired Roman gold. (Fabrics vary slightly in texture but work identically.)


“Drop A Detail” Pen Oil
For creating your designs on top of fired gold (see photo below), in addition to traditional pen work.


Celee Evans Porcelain: Plastic Palette Knife

Plastic Palette Knife
Desirable to prevent mix-up with your metal palette knives. (Celee stores hers in the freezer and never cleans it!)


Celee Evans Porcelain: Celee Etcher Tool

Celee's Etcher Tool
For highly polishing your gold! This is how you create the two-toned appearance to your fired Roman Gold.


Golden Globe “Gild & Carry” Gold Palette
(6 7/8" x 8 1/2")
Airtight  plastic case with reusable plastic liner and unique sponge backing..  Pour a quantity of facilitator/thinner directly onto the sponge, saturating it, to keep your gold in a moist environment! (Celee recommends storing it in the freezer between uses.)


     $12.95                 View cart

Celee Evans Porcelain: Golden Globe Gild & Carry Gold Palette

Celee’s SLO-DRI Painting Medium
This is Celee’s formula for optimum painting success --- stays open 6 to 7 hours and never runs in the kiln.

1 oz.


2 oz.

(a savings of $2.40)


16 oz.

(a savings of $25.20)

Celee Evans Porcelain: "Drop a Detail" Pen Oil

Celee Evans Porcelain "Drop A Detail" Pen Oil    Celee Evans Porcelain "Drop A Detail" Pen Oil

“Drop A Detail” Pen Oil (instructions included)


Two bottle set for crisp, quick-drying penwork.

When mixed with powder paint, this can be used directly on wet paint with no bleeding! Because this oil dries, you can paint over penwork which has not even been fired yet!  Celee applies three separate fired coats for excellent, easy "grounding!" Fire on glass to 022; fire on porcelain from 014 to 018.

“Drop A Detail” penwork fired on glass oval at 022!

Celee Evans Porcelain: Drop A Detail Penwork

#107 Hunt Pen Points
Package of two; very fine yet durable.


Celee Evans Porcelain Painting Products

Aluminum Pen Holder
Accepts most pen points and is comfortable to hold.


Celee Evans Porcelain Painting Products

Plastic Pen Holder
Yellow and black plastic with average quality nib included (not Hunt #107).


Celee Evans Porcelain Painting Products

Large Wipeout Tool       Kemper - Eraser color.


Celee Evans Porcelain Painting Products

Wipeout Tool
Extra firm, extra fine, extra wonderful! Perfect for wiping out stamens or any fine texture!


Celee Evans Porcelain Painting Products

Double Wipeout Tool
Two different sizes of silicone tips.


Celee Evans Porcelain 'Namel

Celee Evans Porcelain 'Namel           Celee Evans Porcelain 'Namel

Celee Evans Porcelain 'Namel

“Celee 'Namel” Enameling
(instructions included)
Two bottle set for easy, long scrolling or tiny, precise beads. “Celee 'Namel” can be tinted with powder paint, fired multiple times, and used as a base on which liquid bright gold or Celee's “Godiva Gold” can be applied after firing.

Celee Evans Porcelain: Celee 'Namel Enameling


Celee Evans Porcelain: Painting Products

Celee 'Nameler #00
Its precise, synthetic point makes scrolling and beading easy and predictable every time.


Celee Evans Porcelain: "Forever Amber" Marbling Oil

Celee Evans Porcelain "Forever Amber" Marbling Oil

Celee Evans Porcelain "Forever Amber" Marbling Oil

“Forever Amber” Marbling Oil (instructions included)
An easy-to-use, colorless oil that creates the look of polished marble! Mix with your favorite powder paint to create any color using this simple technique!



CELEE’S “Create A Palette”

Follow these easy suggestions!

Write title of subject(s) you’re painting on the paper inside the plastic sleeve.  List your colors in a logical manner as seen on the sample palette page included.   Put the page back into the plastic sleeve and place your mixed paints above its name  When finished, slide your paper palette out and slide in a new one  for your next project.

All plastic palette with interchangeable inserts
11 ¾" x 13"


“Store 'n Carry” Aluminum Paint Boxes with Round Containers (Lidded Pots).  Great for mixed paints, pen oil, enameling, etc.

Celee Evans Porcelain: Aluminum Paint Boxes   Celee Evans Porcelain: Aluminum Paint Boxes   Celee Evans Porcelain: Aluminum Paint Boxes

Aluminum box containing 10 lightweight round pots with clear lift-off lids. (2 ¾" x 6 ½")


Aluminum box containing 20 lightweight round pots with clear lift-off lids. (5 ½" x 6 ¾")


Aluminum box containing 40 lightweight round pots with clear lift-off lids. (6 ¾" x 11")


Note: the pots in each box are all the same size (1 ¼" diameter and ½" deep).